Sunday, March 20, 2011


It's Friday, Friday, gotta get down on Friday!
Okay well maybe it's not friday, and maybe it's not that great a song. In fact its an incredibly lame song. But that, my dear friends, is what makes it so brilliant.

Yes, I know what you're thinking, Oh my god Courtney is amazing. My response to that is: Yes, yes I am. Thankyou, thankyou very much.

Very exciting news for you all Jane and I went into the UK canddddyyy shop and found... wait for it... REDVINES (: OMG SO AMAZING I KNOW. It was so exciting, I nearly died. Because I know you want to share my excitement I will share some photos with you.

That's all for today old chaps :P Talk to you later

Friday, March 18, 2011

Don't Worry, Be Happy (:

It's okay guys, I didn't forget you. I'm very happy to be writing again after six whole days without blogging. I bet some of you nearly died. You must be so eager to hear about my life, and if I had left it one more day you probably would have toppled over with depression and started slitting your wrists because you didn't hear from me. Well you might have at school, but it isn't the same as 'reading my personal diary' as someone put it :P haha

Anyway getting on with it. I'm thinking that I shall never recover from the newest Glee episode. Darren Criss making out with Kurt is just not right. If only I was on Kurt's position *drools* although I don't think I'd wanna be a gay guy... Aw well anything for Darren Criss <3 hahaha how sad of me to say that. People must be regretting following me now. But just to make you hate me even more here you go:

That's right, a picture from AVPS. I am that cool. Darren Criss in the middle dressed like Harry. AWW HOW TOTEZ ADORBZZ (:
But seriously, watch AVPM and AVPS. Best thing you shall ever do. If you haven't already searched them by now I have officially disowned you as a friend. That's right. I'm bringing out the big guns now.

Okay getting on with life. SARAH GETS HER PUPPY TOMORROW LIKE OH EM GEE IM SO EXCITED *happy dance* and after school on Monday I'm going to go see it YAYYYYY

Also very soon I shall be putting up a picture of me in my 'Hattie' costume for Cloutstreet the year 12 play. I bet you're all very excited for that ;) I look incredibly sexy, just so you're forewarned about it so you don't die from amazement at how sexy I look. And how sexy I am in general. Yeah that's right, I know how sexy I am. You don't have to tell me, though it would be delightful to be reminded every possible chance you get.

Well there really is no possible way to end this on an un-awkies (Janes new word that I'm helping spread around the world. But I'm not going to help spread amazballs)note, since I had nothing to say really, but I didn't want you all to die so I got up the courage to do a blog post for you all. I am so amazing and self sacrificing that I let you live by typing which endangered my life. You have no idea how many keyboard related deaths occur each year.

So on that selfless note I bid you farewell.

Saturday, March 12, 2011


Oh deary me. I'm ever so bored.
It's really quite a pickle when you're as bored as I am right now. While I was writing that sentence I resolved what I am going to do to unbore myself. I shall watch glee for a second time because Mr Awesome himself (Darren Criss) is in it and he makes anything wonderful... apart from maybe drowning puppies... that isn't something he could make wonderful. In fact it would be rather shocking and sad. Not to mention sick. So so so so soooo sick. So you know what the message of this post is? Don't drown puppies folks, because that leads to a whole lot of shit. Stuff you wouldn't want to be associated with. If you drown a puppy you're telling others that drowning puppies is okay. If people think drowning puppies is okay they might think drowning babies is okay. If people start to drown babies more frequently there will be less babies and therefore the population of the world will drop dramatically because all the old people are dying as well as the now-drowning babies. When the babies drown and the old people die this means that the earths population will drop from 6 billion to about 3 million. THEN most of the worlds population will be evil because they're baby drowners. When there's no more babies to drown people will still want to drown things so they'll start drowning each other, and the police won't get involved because they'll be drowning people too. And if more babies come into the world they'll be drowned. So every single day the earths population would be getting smaller and smaller, until eventually everyone in the world would be dead apart from one person. Then that person will realize that they're the last human on earth and they'll mate with an animal and then a new species will be created.

So, as I mentioned previously, don't drown puppies. It can only lead to disaster. And if you still want to drown puppies look at the photo below. I think that'll make you change your mind.

Anyway since this post talks about drowning puppies I think I should stop.

Bye friendltons (:

Friday, March 11, 2011

New Bloggington

I decided to get rid of my last post because it was two lines of utter rudeness (:
And the fact that it wasn't a real post, but don't be offended Nikki because you can be mentioned as a special guest on my very FAMOUS blog. That's right folks, my blog is already famous. You know what I have to say to that? Mwa. Ha. Ha. Ha.

Anyway since Jane blogged first after she stole my idea of remaking a blog i have decided that I will just blabber on until I actually say something of importance. Oh yes, I have very important issues to discuss with you, I just don't remember what those issues are right now...

And very conveniently my parents are calling me to go do something for them which requires me getting off the computer. Yay. How much fun. I shall add the important stuff when I come back. The beginning of that will be a bunch of those little star thingys that look like this----> *

Ta ta for now ma homie G's


And I am back because I am exceptionally awesome and finish things extremely quickly. How impressive of me.

Anyway onto the important things in life, such as my History essay which I have to thank Sarah for her awesomeness in helping me with my notes (: danka friendlton. I wrote 3 and a bit pages because thats the way I roll biatches. Yeah I'm cool, I say biatches. To write my notes for History (which I hadn't finished at lunch) I had to go out of maths and go get my History folder because I'd gotten my english folder instead because they look exactly the same. Yes that may be a mouthful but wait until the super interesting part of the story. I 'went to get my calculator' but in reality I got my calculator and my History folder.
What. A. Rebel.

Something else that is interesting that happened today on the 11th of March 2011 is Jane being a bitch to me in drama ( (: ) because I 'can't hug properly'. It's not my fault I always look awkward. Gosh. Just so you know. It really isn't that important but I think it's worth including.

AIT was... ever so wonderful with Caroline poking me the entire lesson and it being brought up that I told someone to bend over. IT WAS TAKEN OUT OF CONTEXT. That is all I have to say on the bending issue . Caroline can poke a lot... thats for sure, she can also make people feel extremely awkward (apparently more awkward than they already look) by putting her head in peoples laps while sitting at computer chairs. Tut tut.

I think thats all that happened today... apart from my bus ride in which a rossmoyne druggie continually asked me whether him and his friends were annoying/irritating me. I said no once, why would I change my mind less than a minute later? Exactly you're dumbfounded aren't you. That is what I felt at the time, I was also thinking how large his nose was, it was two times the size of mine. That is one BIG nose (I was gonna say honker but then I felt as if immature people (Jane) would laugh and be like 'ahhahha Courtney likes honkers'. so i didn't) Lucky he got up just before I got off to go look for cigarettes... so I didn't have to climb over him ;)

Anyway adios buddy or buddies depending how many of you read this. Probably millions of fans will be at my doorstep by morning begging for autographs. Too bad people I'm not going to tell you where I live because I'm a smart cookie. Hehe a smart cookie. Isn't a cookie something you can get on your computer (as well as the awesome food). How humorous of me to point that out. Ha. Hahaha. Ha.

Anyway... I should probably say goodbye so you don't have to read any more of this terribleness.
